WU Kong-sen1, KONG Dong-yan1, YANG Xin-jun2 |
1. College of Tourism, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China; 2. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northwest University, Xi'an 710127, China |
Abstract Taking Jiaxian County on Loess Plateau as an example, this paper presented a research framework based on geographical location theory and sustainable livelihood framework. We used the multi-level linear model to combine two scales of farmers and villages, multi-scale influencing factors and interactive effects on farmers' livelihood outcomes were identified and analyzed. The conclusions were as follows: 1) The livelihood outcomes of rural households among different geomorphic regions was shown the characteristics of windy and sandy areas in the north> rocky mountains along the Yellow River in the southeast> hilly and gully areas in the southwest; 2) The labor ability, education and cultural level, health status, production and living materials and social connections in the farmer level had significant positive impact on the livelihood outcomes of the farmers; 3) Location condition factors such as slope, distance from river, distance from external connection and distance from county seat in the villages level had significant negative impact on farmers' livelihood outcomes; 4) The interaction between different scale factors such as rural livelihood capital and rural location conditions has a greater impact effect on livelihood outcomes than single scale factors. The interactive effects between topographical factors and livelihood capital, especially social capital, were more extensive; The interactive effect of traffic factors and location factors with livelihood capital were relatively weak.
Received: 10 August 2023
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